Following the recall of Galaxy Note7, the customers have lost the confidence on Samsung, a survey reveals. According to a survey conducted by Branding Brand, 34% of existing customers said that they will not buy another smartphone from Samsung. Among the 34% of the customers, 81% own a Samsung or an Android smartphone.
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Among the loyal customers who wish to stay with Samsung, 77% said that they prefer not to learn another phone. They also cited style, options to customise the experience, battery life, cost, and dislike of other brands as the reasons to stay with Samsung.
To analyze the count, around 52% of the people chose Style as a reason to stay back with Samsung. 44% people find the customization and 39% find battery life as the reason to stay. The cost and dislike of other brands count 35% and 28% respectively.
Commenting on the survey result, Chris Mason, Co-founder, and CEO of Branding Brand said, “Samsung consumers say battery life is a key to their loyalty to the brand. However, it is the same reason for the drop in the confidence. Battery power is, and will continue to be, a big deciding factor in smartphone technology development.”
Around 57% expressed interest to switch to another Android brand. Around 34% prefer iPhone as an alternative. Among the current Samsung owners, 21% previously used iPhones. The survey was conducted by Branding Brand, a leading mobile e-commerce platform. It surveyed around 1000 Samsung smartphone customers for the purpose.
Well, the survey unleashes the backlash that we all have been expecting for Samsung. However, there are chances that consumers might give Samsung another chance when it comes out with the Galaxy S8 smartphone. We cannot overlook the fact that Samsung is among the top smartphone manufacturers in the world and people have been buying its products for many years. If Samsung successfully comes up with a flawless Galaxy device next year then there are chances that buyers might give it a second shot.

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