Technology and privacy are going hand in hand but what makes technology a threat is the fact that our personal data is not safe at all. Once you lose your data to a hacking or delete it accidentally, there are hardly any chances that you can get it back. All your work files, your family memories, and college photos are lost just in a blink of an eye. But EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is a free data recovery software that could ease all your worries.
What is EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free?
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free, in a nutshell, is an ultimate problem solver as it recovers all the deleted, formatted and lost files from your hard drives and PCs within a matter of minutes. It scans your PC and allows you to choose the files that you want to recover. It is easy to use and download as well. What makes it extra special is the fact that you don’t have to pay a single buck in order to get it as it comes for free.
How to use EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free?
Although it seems to be a technical thing to handle, in reality, it works very simply. You have to download the software from the internet. Once done with that, follow the following steps:
  1. Launch the software on your PC by installing it.
  2. The simple dashboard will allow you to navigate through the software’s settings and you can choose whatever you want to recover whether it is an image or a video or a pdf file etc. You can also choose any file on the hard drive, USB drives, recycle bin recovery, or memory cards etc. to recover.
  3. A basic scan and a deep scan are available where you can select the files that you want to recover.
  4. After selecting the files, choose the destination where you want to save the recovered files and then start the process to recover.
Why opt for EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free?
There are many reasons to opt for this software. Let’s have a look at them:
  • The recovery software is safe and easy since all the steps are well explained.
  • The software allows you to be efficient and exact in recovering the data you lost. You can have a basic scan or a deep scan to select the files you want to recover.
  • The process is a lot of time-saving since you can have a quick scan, select the files and within no time you will get your files recovered.
  • The software comes in a number of languages like English, German, Polish, and French etc. so it is an international software which anybody can use.
Where to get EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free?
You can get the software from the official website easily. Here is a link to the website:
You will not lose any more data after you download this software which is an ultimate problem solver for the lost and deleted data.

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