Gif have taken over online chats, and social network feeds like wildfire. Every other platform has added support for it along with its corresponding search engine merely for looking up popular GIFs. However, the tools for editing these are still quite sparse especially if you’d like to add your own audio clip to it. To overcome this specific hurdle, take a look at “Shabaam”.

Shabaam is a free Android app that essentially allows you add a custom voice recording to just about any favorite GIF file. The app’s home screen holds an endless grid of trending GIFs from the internet. You can choose any one of these for your project or head over to the tab on the right for browsing particular categories such as animals, art, anime, food, gaming and a whole lot more.
If you’re still unable to find the particular file, you can fire up a search query from the bar present on the top. Once you’ve selected a GIF, Shabaam will process it and provide you with a barebones interface for recording your voice with the GIF on top. You can tap the image to play it or go ahead with the recording by pressing the large white button in the middle.
Shabaam will begin to log your audio while simultaneously playing the GIF so that you can perfectly align the sound. The app will create the resultant media which you can do over or save directly to the device. In addition to that, Shabaam offers options for sharing the file on other social networks or messaging apps. There are a few obvious shortcomings with Shabaam as well including the fact that it doesn’t yet let you import a GIF or any other stored audio. However, it’s still relatively new to the market, and I’m sure the developers will be bringing new features in the coming updates.
Shabaam is entirely free of cost and is currently limited to Android phones. You can download it from the link down below.

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